20 June 2008

Islam: Officially Beyond Criticism

Islam has officially been protected from criticism. (See Link)

The most disgusting religion on earth which supports; terrorism, female genital mutilation, sexism, sexual repression, totalitarianism, suppression of free speech and free inquiry has banned non-religious scholars from even discussing Islam in debate.

Because of Islam, some 15 girls were left to die in a burning building because the Saudi religious police would not let them out unless they were dressed in the proper Islamic outfit.
Because of Islam, regularly in the Muslim world 10 year old girls are married off to 40+ year old men because the "prophet" mohammed married 6 year old Aisha, as his second wife.
Because of Islam, apostates are murdered and the murderers are rewarded by the state rather than punished.
Because of Islam, 4,000 innocent civilians lives ended on September 11 when orgasmic squeals of "Alllah Akbar" echoed within the walls of the suicide-planes.
Islam is backward; and to say otherwise is to be dishonest or ignorant.

What Islam needs is to be mocked and criticised, it has gone unchecked for too long and those who know what freedom is need to be free to call Islam by what it really is; and that is a backward belief system that belongs in the middle ages.
Christianity is not a violent middle-age religion today because of the Thomas Paine's and Voltaires', people who criticised the religion and were allowed to get away with it. Islam decapitates their Voltaires' and the ones who live are in exile in the West where their voices cannot be heard in the Islamic world. And we in the West are saying; "well that's ok".
Do not afford religion with protection unbecoming of it!

We need more Danish cartoons, more Wafa Sultans, Ayaan Hirsi Alis, Ibn Warraqs & Saloman Rushdies.
People would argue these people and the cartoons make it more dangerous for Westerners, like that is an argument. It is because it makes it more dangerous that we have to do something. Those who take the line "say Islam is peaceful or we will kill you" must be confronted and challenged and not allowed to terrorise us into agreement with something we know is a lie.

The founder of Islam was genocidal, infanticidal, racist, sectarian, uneducated, a pedophile and many other things. Mohammed deserves no respect nor does the religion that espouses his values.

"If you want to become a martyr and die in jihad, let me help you". -Christopher Hitchens.

10 June 2008

LAOS, The Shame of Greece.

In response to a topic posted at this Greek-Australian website, I responded to the egregious statements that; Greece needs a 'nationalist' party; & that LAOS is "the best political party in Greece".

My response:

LAOS are the single worst political party in Greece.

Karatzaferis is on record stating that 4,000 Jews in the Twin-Towers knew of the September 11 attack [prior to its occurrence], and did not come in to work.
This could only be uttered by someone as cretinous as Mr. Karatzaferi. He, like other 'Jew-Conspirators' are the highest calibre of moron walking this earth today.
There were 115 different nationalities in the building who died and that includes Israeli's as well as American-Jews.
This is not an opinion, this was not a cover-up, there is no conspiracy - just slobbering dauphin's who think one exists.

If that is not enough, he then stated that he would like to discuss the "Auschwitz and Dachau myths" with the then Israeli ambassador to Greece.

He has also stated; the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are being put into effect, claimed that "the Pope and the Jews are conspiring against Greece" and suggested that "the Jews" are responsible for 9/11.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a Russian propaganda piece (founded on no truth) that was written to take the citizens minds off mass-poverty and mass-corruption, by blaming all woes on a scapegoat.
Furthermore, the Pope and Jews are in no conspiracy [against Greeks], nor are the Jews responsible for 9/11.
Who but a moron would believe the contrary?

But idiot-of-the-century, Mr. Karatzaferis, to consolidate his position as number one halfwit has said this:
"One third of Greek congressmen are passive homosexuals with Albanian stallions" and that "all homosexuals belong in hell".

What makes the next chapter of the Karatzaferis LAOS saga hilarious is he has apologised for EVERYTHING I have just stated above and has signed several EU and UN treaties about; recognising the Jewish Holocaust, ending anti-Semitism & recognising Gay Rights. He has even stated recently that what two consenting men and women do is their own business and the Greek state should recognise this.

This is not because he has gotten in touch with morality, it is because of the public backlash he got for holding such stupid extremist views - which are his true personal views.
So who here would 'through in' with an extremist party with values from the gutter and principles coined by a moron?
A party ruled by a demagogue to represent the incredulous plebs who rather a conspiracy to truth.

All who support this party of prejudice, bigotry & ignorance are a disgrace to the word Human and a disgrace to the word Greek.


04 June 2008

Epicurus, the Greatest Greek Ever.

"Is God Willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is impotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing?
 Whence then is evil?"

- Epicurus 310BCE.

Founder of Secularism.
Epicurus believed the natural world was all that can be known and is all that can be studied. He argued in the Epicurean Paradox (above, right of picture) that there is no god or gods that are concerned with how we live our lives and that morality is a totally secular question which can be answered via observation and logic.

His philosophy was optimistic and centred upon an understanding that one can liberate themselves from fears like death and the supernatural.Epicurus was inspired largely by Democritus, a philosopher who hypothesised that all things were made up of atoms (the word atom in Greek means indivisible). This hypothesis was largely supported by Epicurus and many of his philosophies were based upon this understanding. 

Epicurean philosophy stated that nothing should be believed that cannot be corroborated through direct observation and logical deduction. Through this model, he was the first to start a primitive (by today's standards) egalitarian movement, as he admitted women and slaves into his School, which was held in his Garden on Samos. 

Developer of the Scientific Method. 
Epicurus, as a secularist, believed the only way to obtain insights was to follow the scientific method. 
The process of observation, dissemination of evidence, formation of hypotheses and testing them to form models of understanding was pivotal to his philosophy. 

This method today, remains the only way to understand the universe. Religious dogma, divine vision and other supernatural occurrences have always failed double blind tests and fail to reflect the true nature of the universe, which Epicurus' model postulated. 

Pyrrho, founder of the school of scepticism, was a major influence on Epicurus. Pyrrho's philosophy stated that doctrines are not true on their own merit and no assertion is more or less true than another assertion. Pyrrho in many ways was a secularist as he believed firmly in evidence based reasoning and did not believe private feelings and beliefs could be relied upon nor were worthy of any consideration. 

Derivation of Morality.
Epicurus believed in the absolutes of good and bad, without the need of supernatural governance. He stated that good and bad derive from sensations of pleasure and pain.

What is good is what is pleasurable, and what is bad is what is painful. This philosophy was ahead of its time as it was not hedonistic and did not centre on selfishness, it accounted for the pleasure of helping others. 
Pleasure and pain, in the Epicurean philosophy, were central to the moral distinction between good and bad. 
Moderation was also central to the experience of good and bad.

Death of the Great Tradition.
Modern Greece is no doubt a shell of its great former self.It is a nation that values personal feelings above that of evidence, as has been seen in recent news events regarding gay rights in Greece. The hands of elderly bearded male virgins extends into all areas of governance and shames the great secular tradition of Greece. 

Logic is nothing but a word in Greek history text books, as the nation does not embrace scientific reasoning. In 2005, a pole done by National Geographic stated only 50% of Greeks believe in evolution, 40% do not and 10% are undecided, this is no doubt due to the role religion has played in brainwashing an entire nation. For contrast, in Scandinavia some 87% of people believe in evolution.

I, and an increasing number of Greeks, advocate a return to secular traditions and secular reasoning, so the name Greek (Elliniko) is no longer disgraced by the superstition of the fallout from Byzantia. 

Christians: Morally Bankrupt on Rights

Our discrimination laws are in place because some people actually need to be told to be moral.
Imagine if there were no discrimination laws and you were told; "I am sorry we don't serve Wogs" or "I am sorry we don't serve Blacks". How would you feel to be part of a society where racism and discrimination were tacitly supported.

This is the society the christians want us to go back to.

After reading an article as enlightening as a Petrol Prices segment on a Current Affairs programme, I felt obliged to offer some insight when the author and his flock are so obviously lacking.
I am talking about an article on belief.net, home to the irrational.
This particular article presents an argument that gay marriage, and indeed rights, are unconstitutional as they occlude religious freedoms; such as the religious freedom to be homophobic, racist & bigoted.
This is all because of the unfounded belief in a supposed divine text written in an era of genocide, racism, clanism and ignorance.

In light of this, it is obvious whose rights are more important if such a conflict exists between gay rights and people who believe in fairy-tales from a time of archaic moral conscience.

The actual argument presented by the author takes place in a shop.
The author argues that a "traditional" (religious-solipsist) shop owner should have the right to offer his "married couples discount" only to couples he sees as married, after all; it is his shop.
In other words, the ignorant reasons he has to not respect gay marriage or gay rights should be protected at all costs.
Why then can't a "traditional" American segregate his shop and prohibit African-Americans or Hispanics from entering?
The answer is because there is no good reason to think of African-American's or Hispanics as any different to any person of any "race". We are equal.

The same applies to homosexuals, the shop owner (like with African-Americans) should not have the right to hold onto ignorant concepts about race, gender or sexuality. If he struggles with morality, the State should force him to act as if he was moral.
Biologists, sociologists, anthropologist, psychologists and other secular disciplines concerned with evidence-based-reasoning see no problems with homosexuality or homosexual marriage; so with no evidence against gay marriage or gay rights, why should anyone be allowed to hold onto prejudicial and bigoted ideas about sexuality, race or gender?

Belief, the positive affirmation of something founded on no evidence, is not a free ticket to racism, bigotry or discrimination.
Especially when your opponents are armed with tonnes of evidence, dwarfing yours.