20 June 2008
Islam: Officially Beyond Criticism
Islam has officially been protected from criticism. (See Link)
The most disgusting religion on earth which supports; terrorism, female genital mutilation, sexism, sexual repression, totalitarianism, suppression of free speech and free inquiry has banned non-religious scholars from even discussing Islam in debate.
Because of Islam, some 15 girls were left to die in a burning building because the Saudi religious police would not let them out unless they were dressed in the proper Islamic outfit.
Because of Islam, regularly in the Muslim world 10 year old girls are married off to 40+ year old men because the "prophet" mohammed married 6 year old Aisha, as his second wife.
Because of Islam, apostates are murdered and the murderers are rewarded by the state rather than punished.
Because of Islam, 4,000 innocent civilians lives ended on September 11 when orgasmic squeals of "Alllah Akbar" echoed within the walls of the suicide-planes.
Islam is backward; and to say otherwise is to be dishonest or ignorant.
What Islam needs is to be mocked and criticised, it has gone unchecked for too long and those who know what freedom is need to be free to call Islam by what it really is; and that is a backward belief system that belongs in the middle ages.
Christianity is not a violent middle-age religion today because of the Thomas Paine's and Voltaires', people who criticised the religion and were allowed to get away with it. Islam decapitates their Voltaires' and the ones who live are in exile in the West where their voices cannot be heard in the Islamic world. And we in the West are saying; "well that's ok".
Do not afford religion with protection unbecoming of it!
We need more Danish cartoons, more Wafa Sultans, Ayaan Hirsi Alis, Ibn Warraqs & Saloman Rushdies.
People would argue these people and the cartoons make it more dangerous for Westerners, like that is an argument. It is because it makes it more dangerous that we have to do something. Those who take the line "say Islam is peaceful or we will kill you" must be confronted and challenged and not allowed to terrorise us into agreement with something we know is a lie.
The founder of Islam was genocidal, infanticidal, racist, sectarian, uneducated, a pedophile and many other things. Mohammed deserves no respect nor does the religion that espouses his values.
"If you want to become a martyr and die in jihad, let me help you". -Christopher Hitchens.
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